Suddenly felt a strong need for coffee in the morning, then I run to the coffee shop that was the most near to me. I had known this shop for about a year, but it was the first time I visited it. I thought it was not right to say that it was a shop, better to call it kiosk, and a nice girl was standing inside to manage everything in this corner.

I ordered a cup of large flat white, and it costed $38. I was little surprised that the large size was the same as the tall size in Starbucks, but they both were almost at the same price, a bit expensive.

The smell did not impress me, and now I even can't remember how the smell is. However, I was pretty sure its smell was OK, otherwise a negative remark would leave in my mind. The taste was quite good. I could embrace the bitter even if no sugar was in the coffee, and that was not the thing I could stand for normally, but it definitely tasted much better with sugar, and half package was good enough. I always believe that how good the coffee is, how less the sugar is required. However, the thing that made me disappointed was the texture. It was too thin likes water. I expected that coffee came with smooth and creamy texture all the time, but the coffee here clearly failed. Taste and texture are indispensable to coffee. It doesn't work without good texture no matter how great the taste is. Imagine that a piece of steak has the greatest taste, but its texture is likes rice. It would be so weird to me when a steak is in sticky and soft form...........
The point of good taste was not enough to cover the texture problem, and the coffee was a bit overpriced, but it was not that bad. I am willing to return again to see if the coffee is improved. If it keeps being the same next time, I would prefer to spend 10 more minutes to walk to Starbucks, and have a cup of grande size coffee at a cost of $38.

Return to this cafe again after a month. The girl I met was not the one I met last time, but still a nice girl :)

I ordered flat white again. The smell was very good and a strong coffee smell was coming out even if the lid secured on the cup, but it was not the case when I removed the lid. The coffee smell totally disappeared and it smelled likes Chinese medicine. I had no idea why it changed suddently once the lid was gone. Last time, the thin coffee texture made me disappointed, but I still enjoyed its taste. I didn't need to put much sugar in it. However, the coffee was horrible this time. As shown in the photo, the texture is tooooo watery. It was even worse than the last time, and there was no crema at all. More, I need to put two packages of sugar to turn down the strong sour taste. I regreted to spend $38 to receive such poor quality.

The coffee here was freshly made. I saw the girl taking the coffee bean to the machine. She gave me a loyalty card, and a cup of free coffee would be provided for every 10 purhcases. I was not given this card last time, but I definitely would not return anymore. There was no doubt that the trash can was the final destination of the card.